Marco: Climbing Over Years of Self-Neglect

Age: 35 Location: USA
295 - 240 LBS
16 Weeks
· Unhealthy Choices & Lifestyle
Marco Just Shy of 300 lbs wanted to lose the weight once and for all. He had constantly added five lbs a month for the past two years and was desperate for change.
Today Marco stands at 240 lbs and is on his way to optimal health!
Crazy Schedules and Family Gatherings
With a crazy work schedule and an environment filled with the family gatherings and social drinking, Marco continued to strengthen poor habits that seemed unbreakable.
The Solution
- Resources for his budget.
We worked together to create meals that he loved but didn’t burn a hole in his pocket. Through the process he realized that even with my fee, he saved money every month and found optimal health.
- Mexican food was Marco’s go to, but most of his choices were incredibly unhealthy.
Creating specific meals that emulated his comfort food was one of our main focuses. He was satisfied and had alternative options that were optimal for his goals.
- Lifestyle Change vs ‘Living His Life’.
Marcos biggest struggle was creating sustainable lifestyle change but still feeling like he was living.
We had to find the balance between what he wanted vs his past comfort zones that got him into the shape he intentionally wanted to change.
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