6 Ways to Win on Weekends on your Weightloss Journey
If you currently struggle to get a handle on your weekend with allowing one meal to spiral into a full blown cheat day, here are APPLICABLE #weightlosstips for the WEEKEND that I used though out my 190lb #weightlossjourney which I think will help you too!
Monday through Fridays we’re much easier for me to stay on track but when it came to the weekend those were my Achilles heel!
This created a #yoyodiet effect where one planned cheat meal, would turn into a full blown binge over the weekend.
Throughout my own #extremeweightloss journey I learned invaluable lessons on both the applicable side of #nutrition and the emotional side of #weightloss
I am extremely passionate about pouring into each journey as if it were my own.
#Optimalhealth can unlock freedoms that are life changing and I am grateful to do this through Hands On Guidance.
For me it’s not about how much you can lose, but finding sustainable #lifestylechange through the process and allowing the scale numbers to be the byproduct!
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