Relationship with Food on your Weightloss Journey - Part 1

Break the under eating over eating cycle

It’s typical after a binge for the shame and guilt to push you to under eat the following day or two, but eventually it leads to another spiral and the cycle continues.
Get right back to the plan that you know works and stop this over eating under eating cycle.

Strategically remove restrictions on food starting with the weekends

When you’re in a restricted place for too long it creates a fear of food adding anxiety that at times can be unbearable.
If you’re structured with your nutrition during the week start to let go on the weekends and work in foods that you have been craving.
If being structured is the best for you, then no problem but start to implement the “off limit” foods, this will eventually lead to intuitive eating for your body.

Fuel your body, not your emotions

It’s so easy to over eat when you’re happy, when you’re sad, when you’re anxious or when you’re bored, but start to correlate your food on how it makes you feel.
Is it fueling you to feel better, or fueling you feel worse. I believe state of mind is highly correlated with how you fuel your body.

Stop Allowing your “Diet” to control everything in your life.

I know it’s easy to get into “diet mode” and that’s when you Stop saying No to everything and everybody when it comes to anything revolving around your food. (This can happen with your workout routine as well)
Start getting out of the Dieting Mentality by saying Yes to more social gathering revolving around food. Say yes to eating out. Say yes to BBQs, say yes to Sunday brunches, and then start to work on your relationship with food through the process. If you can’t win outside of the box, the weight loss will not be sustained.


Stop Running from “Forbidden Foods”

The way I look at nutrition is not to have “forbidden foods” because the longer your run from them, the higher the chance is that you binge when no one is around on those exact foods. Think about your nutrition and ask yourself is it helping your adherence. Are you able to stick to it long term, or is it just a quick fix “diet” that cuts everything out for a little bit.
I say if it’s 1 snicker bar a day that keeps you from eating 12 on the
Just remember whatever you do to lose the weight, you have to keep doing to maintain the weightloss.

Stop Fixating on Calories and Macros

The science is clear. One must be in a caloric deficit to lose weight. One thing the science doesn’t teach you is how to create a better relationship with those calories and numbers.
The emotional roller coaster that happens when you’re fixating on numbers and counting macros can become an obsession and unhealthy. You have 30 carbs left and you eat them, not because of your hunger cues, but because of your counting…
I advise all clients who are on a weightloss journey to learn to count macros, and more importantly learn to measure foods by the handfuls, this way you can eat intuitively when you are out at a family bbq.

One “bad meal” will not be the reason you regain all of the weight

I see this time and time again where a client over eats at breakfast, and instead of turning the rest of the day around they feel defeated and end up spiraling the rest of the day and sometimes even multiple days after that.
I continue to remind them, “You did not get into the shape you are right now over night, and it won’t take you overnight to get into the shape you want to be either.
Accept that you are human, and that your habits and perspective on food has been skewed for a very long time, and this will take incredibly time and intention to change. 

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