Food Vs Drug Addiction
In-depth discussion on their Similarities
Interview with Brad Jenson, KeyNutrition
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I had the honor of having Brad Jenson come on the podcast. We went over the similarities between food addiction and drug addiction. It’s incredible how similar both of these are and the devastation they bring.
Parallels Between Food and Drug Addictions
Food addiction – here’s its definition – When the need to eat becomes compulsive or uncontrollable, becoming dependent without thought, becoming a reflex leading to deteriorating mind and body. There is a such a parallel between the drug and obesity epidemic in the United States.
300,000 obesity related deaths per year. Versus 80,000 drug overdoses.
Food addiction isn’t talked as much as drug or alcohol addiction.
Rehab and Getting Sober
Average person goes to rehab 9 turns before turning sober. A very high percentage of drug addicts relapse due to not changing circumstances or triggers. An overweight person who loses weight through extreme diet – without addressing the essential underlying factors – regain all the weight back as soon as the diet period ends.
Drug relapse and diet relapse are so closely connected. When you get back to your routine, your old habits return and the relapse occurs.
Your Habits and Triggers
Find your triggers – what is leading you to feel without control – do you eat because of your problems in life or other factors? Its very hard for most people to analyze their paths.
Build a self-awareness around your habits and triggers. Take notice of your state of mind or circumstances right before you feel an urge and work towards processing it differently.
Transparency and Support System
Utilize support system to close the gaps when you do spiral. It may be your current patter to let one hour of poor choice turn to a couple of days, even weeks. Focus on breaking the amount of time it takes you to get back up. I find that releasing this to those in your corner of accountability makes a massive difference instead of staying in the dark by yourself too long.
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